Vlog Catalog: Especially for Teens!

Friendships can be so challenging during the teen years! And teens have such big feelings. The combination can be overwhelming. Dr. Jill shares a few thoughts about how to honor your own feelings and give your friends the freedom to have other friends too.

See the Dr. Jill’s Video page for many more info videos and practices for staying centered and balanced with your heart’s help. There are some videos there for younger kids too as Dr. Jill introduces all of her animals who help us stay centered in our happy place!

Teens live somewhere between childhood and adulthood and have needs that come from both ends of this spectrum. Adults often try so hard to give teens the space that they seem to need that the teen can end up feeling alone OR adults give way too much advice and get tuned out. It’s not that teens need so much space, it’s that they need to be able to negotiate the type of input and advice that they get. Concise sound bites are good. Limit the advice time to five or six minutes at a time. Have a real heart to heart negotiation about how communication happens and everyone will be happier.